Cannabis Bath Bombs – Everything you need to know
Cannabis products appear in nearly every form imaginable as interest and consumption grows around the world. You may have seen cannabis flowers, cbd oils, lotions, creams, edibles and other forms of Cannabis – but have you heard of Cannabis bath bombs?
Cannabis Bath Bombs are a new and exciting addition to any bath for anyone trying to relax after a long day. You may have been using essential oils, bath salts or calming scents in the past, but there we have found a way to take relaxing baths to the next level through a Cannabath.
What is a cannabath?
A cannabath is quite literally a bath that has been infused with cannabis. How do we infuse a bath with cannabis, you ask? Quite simply! With many LPs hard at work producing the finest products, they even add cannabinoids to bath bombs, salts, and fizzes!
THC or CBD Bath?
However you choose to experience your bath is entirely up to you! This is YOUR experience, afterall! Many of the bath products come in a few different variations, which are: THC only, CBD only or a THC:CBD combination.
How Does it Work?
While soaking in an infused bath, cannabinoids are absorbed through a process called “percutaneous absorption.” This is a way for THC and/or CBD to be absorbed through skin and delivered into your bloodstream. In order for this to effectively happen, your body must be in a ready state of absorption, which is simply just soaking in a hot bath. Hot water relaxes and opens up the pores of your skin, which helps your body absorb up more of the active ingredients. For maximum use, soak for 45 minutes (or longer).
Will I Get High?
Depending on the type of bomb or salt you choose will determine the type of “high” you will feel. Most commonly the effects are more that of a “body high” rather than a full psychoactive experience. What you can expect from a THC infused bath are feelings of euphoria and bliss, heavy eyes, total relaxation, slight intoxication (mostly upon getting out) and probably one of the best, most well-rested sleeps you will ever have. CBD infused baths offer very similar effects to that of the THC, minus the feeling of intoxication (unless paired with THC). Whatever option you decide to go with, just remember these are highly moisturizing products (great for the skin!) which are very slippery on wet surfaces, so please be careful when exiting your bath especially while under the effects of cannabis.
A few different products available on the market now (and at Takeoff!) are:
CBD Bath Bombs and Bath Salts
- Tidal – Bath Bomb Multi-Pack 300mg CBD
- Nuance – CBD Eucalyptus Bath Bomb 100mg CBD
- Fleurish – Simply Soak CBD Epsom Salt 500mg CBD
THC Bath Bombs and Bath Salts
- Stewart Farms – 3 pack Blue Dream/Chocolate Hashberry/Bubba Kush 150mg THC 150mg CBD
- Eve & Co – The Lover Bath Bomb 140mg THC 60mg CBD
- Eve & Co – The Boss Bath Bomb 100mg THC 100mg CBD
Explore more THC and CBD products here:
Shop Thorold
Shop Toronto
Frequently Asked Questions
No, CBG is a non intoxicating cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBG typically won’t give you the feeling of being “high”. While CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system, its effects are more focused on potential therapeutic benefits rather than altering one’s mental state.
No, CBG is a non intoxicating cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBG typically won’t give you the feeling of being “high”. While CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system, its effects are more focused on potential therapeutic benefits rather than altering one’s mental state.
No, CBG is a non intoxicating cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBG typically won’t give you the feeling of being “high”. While CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system, its effects are more focused on potential therapeutic benefits rather than altering one’s mental state.
No, CBG is a non intoxicating cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBG typically won’t give you the feeling of being “high”. While CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system, its effects are more focused on potential therapeutic benefits rather than altering one’s mental state.
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